Life’s Questions

There’s a question in my heart that I don’t know how to answer.
It’s one that plagues my soul and holds me back from life itself.
It seems so small on the surface, but inside it’s larger than us all.

It’s not a difficult question
But most don’t understand
I want to find an answer
On how to be a better man.

I see the world through goggles
That most don’t seem to have
I question what the world is
and why I was given such a chance.

Beauty is all around me
Every day and every night
When I focus long and steady
Life is as perfect; life is right.

But here we are as humans
Destroying what we have
Ignoring all the future
Generations to be had.

There is no sense of direction
No time to slow life down
As fast as the world is spinning
We go faster; round and round.

How can I make a difference
For something little see
How can I accept myself
in a world that won’t accept me.

Although I see the problem
I’m stubborn in my ways
and changing for the better
Is a step that’s hard to take.

But until I become better
and accept me for who I am
The world will just keep spinning
Too fast for every man.

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