What feeds the soul?

I have been thinking a lot about what keeps me going, and this question above. It is hard to say and I am sure it is different for everyone, but I think everyone needs to give their soul some attention. Ignoring any sort of spirituality in life leaves a gaping hole looking to be filled. The idea of spirituality is often thought of being religious, and while religion is helpful for a lot of individuals, it is not for everyone. When my faith in the church started wavering, I did not fill that hole that it left me. I began to feel nonhuman; like a robot or like a switch turned me to autopilot. I feel like this is a problem that a lot of individuals have. How do we feed our soul, when our lives are so hectic? I am so focused on my professional goals that I have lost any sort of inner peace. This in turn has affected my social and emotional goals in life.

I think depression and anxiety is a root cause of being out of touch with one’s soul, and I believe with a little effort, each individual can make life a lot better for themselves. Spirituality helps slow the world down, and brings individuals to an inner peace. Something necessary in the fast paced lives of many.

I haven’t found everything that feed my soul yet, but I know I’m close, because I am searching. If life is moving too fast, try to explore the deepest depths of your soul, and if it feels empty start searching.

I know what makes me feel better.

Being surrounding by nature is the most peaceful thing in the world to me. Taking a walk outside and listening to the birds chirping and watching the leaves grow is very peaceful. It is sad to think how out of touch the human race is with nature.

I also love writing, and whenever I am feeling like something is missing, it is nice to be able to express myself in words. A quick poem can makes my life feel in touch with myself more than anything else.

These two things are good, but it is not enough; so I am still searching. Yoga might be the answer, or it could be Salsa dancing. I don’t know; and I never will if I don’t try.

I ask you what feeds your soul? If you can’t answer this question, look inside yourself. You might have some soul searching to do too.

3 thoughts on “What feeds the soul?

  1. Hi there, I’d say nature and writing do as well. I love music, especially classical, both to play and listen to. Those are probably the three things that feed my soul most. Other than that, I’d say my relationships and the love I feel for people connects me to the spiritual side. Oh and meditation does too.

    • Good answer! How could I have forgotten music? It is so important in my life. I wish I had more musical talent though. Listening feeds the soul so much, I can only imagine what expressing yourself through music would do.

      • Ah don’t be fooled, I haven’t taken any music exams, I’m only about a grade 2 piano, but I do really love it. I’m mainly self-taught and motivation is key, so if you really want to play an instrument it’s never too late (I’m in my thirties and only started a few years ago). I’ll never be Beethoven but I can play Fur Elise reasonably well and it brings me great joy 🙂

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