GEN-Y Identity Crisis

For GEN-Y, we find ourselves in an identity crisis. For us 20-somethings a few years ago we were still in high school; defined by our peers on who we were. Some of us were labeled as jocks, some of us were nerds, and some of us were loners. Whether class clowns or goody-two-shoes, we had an identity; an identity that was almost impossible to break out of until we graduated. In college we were supposed to have time to search for that identity, and discover who we were. However, once again we found ourselves defined as bros, sororstitutes, hipsters, or GDI’s. Each with an identity that was frowned upon by other groups. Even within groups there were subgroups, like the “hot sorority”, or the “party frat”. College was supposed to be a time of self discovery, with unlimited opportunities to discover who you really are, but stereotypes got in the way.

As we graduated college and found ourselves in the real world, a lot of us still were lacking an identity. Now, it may seem like we are a generation of identity procrastinators. We avoid becoming who we really are, to be what others want us to be. However, I do not think we are intentionally procrastinating. Most of us adapt to our surroundings in the best way we can. We don’t fully choose an identity, because we think there are dire consequences. Once an identity is chosen, you will make people mad, people will not like you, and usually there is no going back. If we put off choosing an identity, or all choose the same identity, then we will be able to not feel alone in this cruel world. Loneliness is feared way more than a lack of identity.

But how can the generation that is so open to differences be conforming? Why do we hide our personalities over just telling people who we really are? The struggle is 100% internal. Most people won’t judge you for who you are, but internally we think “what if they do”.

“What if they don’t like who I am?” is the dumbest question to internally ask yourself. If they don’t like who you really are, then why waste your time trying to be their friend? We need to stop hiding behind our own insecurities to become the powerful generation we say we are.

Let’s stop hiding. Let’s make being individualistic the cool thing to do, and empower those who think they need to conform by letting them know that who they are is good enough. For everyone who is still identity searching, continue to search. Self-awareness and self-confidence are two of the most internally empowering things you can achieve. It is a long journey figuring out who you really are, but it is a journey that is well worth it.

4 thoughts on “GEN-Y Identity Crisis

  1. I started my blog three months ago about being 20 and I can’t believe how much I have to write about. Every day as a twenty year old is an adventure. There’s up and down’s but I really agree with what you’re saying. Sounds like you’ve got a positive outlook.

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