The Funnyman

He’s everyone’s best friend
He’s one of the greats
He can put a smile on anyone’s face
He’ll make you laugh
He’ll be that guy
He’ll cheer you up when you want to cry
But behind the smile
The sparkle in his eyes
Pain sends him to the dark side
He won’t let them in
He won’t let them know
His pain is his; not others to swallow
He’ll keep on joking
He’ll hide the pain
He’ll cheer up others, while inside it rains
He has strong emotions
That can go both ways
He’ll keep others happy, while depressed for days
Depression is not sadness
It’s not someone’s fault
It’s one of lives problems we don’t talk about
No matter who you are
Be aware of the signs
And let the funnyman’s lesson open your eyes.

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