Macklemore and Ryan Lewis: Social Advocates

First Thrift Shops and now Mopeds; two songs with topics so silly that it is hard to believe that that have both become pop culture favorites. However, there is more behind these songs than fun lyrics about items that seem so random. While most hip-hop artists are talking about the high-life, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis have found their own little niche in hip-hop. Their songs focus more on real life, with a message that is quite refreshing to their hip-hop counterparts.

One challenge that low-income families face everyday is the stigma of being low income. People who shop at thrift shops can be stereotyped as dirty, while those who ride mopeds can be thought of as poor drunks. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are providing an alternative definition of what these items are. One that shatters those stereotypes. By making these items cool and part of modern day pop culture, American youth could become less judgmental.

In the United States the distribution of wealth continues to grow. As it continues, designer labels and fancy cars become more difficult to buy for the majority of those who live here, but who cares. People shouldn’t be judged on material items.

Bravo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Thank you for breaking down social barriers with your music. Your songs are fun and overall will help change society for the better.

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