Our Age is Retrospective

Welcome to my first blog. I chose “Our Age is Retrospective” as the name of my blog as these were the first words in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first published book Nature. Emerson’s words have inspired me to express my thoughts through writing, and as these were his first words, it seemed fitting.

I write not only to express my thoughts, but hopefully to inspire and motivate as well. Life needs inspirations and motivations to get us through each day and to give us advice on how to try to inspire others. While I am not a motivator by trade, I hope that something I write will  one day inspire others as Emerson has inspired.

To get started, it would only make sense to look back on my life to see where I am today and how I got there. According to Shakespeare I would have made “entrances” and “exits” in the first two stages of life. As an infant, I was lucky to have parents who took great care of me, and raised me to be who I am today. I was protected and provided with opportunities many children do not have. As for Shakespeare’s second stage, I differ from what is explained. I have never been a whining schoolboy, although others would surely disagree with me. I have always considered myself a scholar. Human’s capacity to learn has grown since the dawn of mankind, and it is something I have truly cherished. In my eyes, I have reached the end of this stage, but it is something I want back. Those who never leave the stage of the scholar can expect to succeed. I am too harsh on myself, but consider myself a failure for leaving this stage and have plans to return and never leave again.

Shakespeare’s third stage is that of the lover. This is the stage that epitomizes my life right now. I haven’t been on this stage for very long, and it would be foolish to think that I know everything there is to know. However, sharing my life with someone has made me a stronger person. While trying to plan my future has become a lot more difficult, it has become what I think about constantly. Two lives with very different goals combined into one. Fighting to keep all of your goals is silly, as the new overarching goal of togetherness comes into sight. I plan on never “exiting” this stage.

I have not yet reached the stages of the “soldier”, “justice”, “platoon”, or “second childishness”, but look forward to those as they come.

It is possible to be on more than one stage at once. As I soon enter the stage of the soldier, I know that I will still be a scholar and a lover. Some may even see me as a “justice”. It is important that I fight for what I believe in, learn from my mistakes, love with all my heart, and teach those around myself. If I never leave these stages I can be happy with the life I have lived.

Moving forward I will focus on the world and human interactions, taking in any criticisms with an open mind.