Macklemore and Ryan Lewis: Social Advocates

First Thrift Shops and now Mopeds; two songs with topics so silly that it is hard to believe that that have both become pop culture favorites. However, there is more behind these songs than fun lyrics about items that seem so random. While most hip-hop artists are talking about the high-life, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis have found their own little niche in hip-hop. Their songs focus more on real life, with a message that is quite refreshing to their hip-hop counterparts.

One challenge that low-income families face everyday is the stigma of being low income. People who shop at thrift shops can be stereotyped as dirty, while those who ride mopeds can be thought of as poor drunks. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are providing an alternative definition of what these items are. One that shatters those stereotypes. By making these items cool and part of modern day pop culture, American youth could become less judgmental.

In the United States the distribution of wealth continues to grow. As it continues, designer labels and fancy cars become more difficult to buy for the majority of those who live here, but who cares. People shouldn’t be judged on material items.

Bravo Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Thank you for breaking down social barriers with your music. Your songs are fun and overall will help change society for the better.

Don’t Judge

Have you lived in the shoes of the homeless?
Have you lived in the shoes of the poor?
Did you grow up a hungry child
Begging for food you couldn’t afford?

Do you go to school embarrassed?
Did you go to school sad,
Hoping your classmates didn’t notice
All the clothes you didn’t have?

Did you feel that you were mistreated?
Did you feel that life’s unfair?
Did you feel like all the others in world
Really didn’t care?

Poverty is a cycle,
That isn’t easy to end
It’s a problem that each and every one of us
Need to understand

How do you pick yourself up
And fight through all the pain?
How do you work hard in school
When your life is full of rain?

For all those people out there
Who think that welfare is a joke
Know that it is something small
That should give us all some hope.

People aren’t living wealthy lives
On the governments dime
Their living life pretty low
Below the poverty line

Don’t judge those in the cycle
Who try hard to escape
Don’t blame those who don’t know better
For all of life’s mistakes.

If you’re parents loved you
If they weren’t addicted to cocaine
If they weren’t abusive
If they weren’t ashamed

If they treated you with kindness
If they were smart enough to help you succeed
If they were able to send you to college
If you were able to follow their lead

You have a better life than most
That are living here today
So stop and think before you speak
About what you’re going to say

Don’t judge those in the cycle
Who try hard to escape
Don’t blame those who don’t know better
For all of life’s mistakes.

Full of Color

Why can’t I be color blind
Living my life in black and white
The good and the bad; the wrong and the right
Decisions easier with stopped time

But I’m lucky enough to see everything bright
Vivid colors; a mind numbing sight
Head spinning; reaching new heights
Beauty brings pain along with it in life

It ain’t always easy making clear choices
The white can be bright but the black even brighter
The spectrum of decision, my brain full of voices
Can’t live like old film, when we’re so full of color.

Move On

You had true love and you ran away
Took my heart in your escape
I promised you that I would wait
Stuck by your side through all the pain

And you moved on to another day
Took a journey that was unsafe
And I told you, you were so brave
To follow love that would run away

Been by your side through this love song
But what will you do when I move on
This chain of love is oh so wrong
So what will you do when I move on

And the tears I once had, run down your face
As if you were trying to emulate
But with a different man the love escaped
So I can’t help but feel I’ve been replaced

I’ve started to search for something new
I want to move on, but be there too
I’m not quite sure what I should do
Pursue new love or tried and true

Been by your side through this love song
But what will you do when I move on
This chain of love is oh so wrong
So what will you do when I move on

If you were me, would you move on?
Should I move on?
Move on…

Somewhere In-between

Somewhere in-between
Lives a place where I am seen
For who I am and who I want to be
I can live my life; and be proud of me

Somewhere in-between

Somewhere in-between
Trust is a brother in my family
I can live in a perfect world
I can dream the perfect dream

Somewhere in-between

But I can’t escape the life I have
I’m stuck in glue; My arms are tied
If Trust my brother, Pain my Dad
So I close my eyes and hide

Behind the darkness and all the pain
Happy endings seem far away
Don’t let tears fall down my face
What happens if the sun’s not behind the rain?

It’s not easy, It’s not easy
People only know a public fantasy
They say move on, but it’s not as it seems
Living hell true reality

Take me away to the place I want to be
Somewhere in-between
Somewhere in-between
Somewhere in-between

Seasons of Life

It came on strong like the heat of summer
Changed so slow like faded daylight
And now I’m on a crisp autumn saunter
The fireworks faded and leaves start to die

How hauntingly beautiful the colors of October
We admire nature’s process of life
So much easier as a bystander
But moving on takes all of our might

Crisp air sneaks in through my window
Sun casting rays of glowing light
It sends me back to nicer weather
Timing seemed better; timing seemed right

Autumn colors may feel warmer
Natures gift with faded life
Like separated doves flying south for the winter
Thinking of each other, and continuing to fly

Once I make it through the winter
Bundled up with my memories bright
Everything will soon start over
Spring will come and bring new life

I will remember through the seasons
How it faded out of sight
Came on strong like the heat of summer
Left so slow like the missing daylight

Standing tall for Human’s sake

Everyday I must decide
To live my life with swallowed pride
But should I run away and hide
And listen to my haunted mind.

But one path tears and one path pulls
Like the waves of contemplations shores
I could hold it all back or search for more
What is this life that we live for?

I never was a selfish man
Never fought back; never took a stand
To change the world with open hands
To leave this place for foreign lands

Is it a risk that I should take?
And leave behind what feels so safe
But life is only what we make
Standing tall for Human’s sake.

Let’s do away with the word “Creepy”

“Don’t talk to strangers”; advice that has been given to us since we were little kids. This information was pounded into our heads from a young age. The message was simple; other people are scary. Our parents had good intentions. By staying away from strangers we would be safe, and safety is always important.

This message stayed with us as we grew up. Don’t talk to strangers. Only talk to people who are “safe”. However, safety should no longer be a huge concern. Most of the time we can take care of ourselves. We do not need anyone to look after us anymore, because we can take care of ourselves.

Now I’m not implying that if a stranger walks up to us and starts a conversation that our instant response is, “Sorry, I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.” However, our response is not too different. We give them the cold shoulder until they leave, turn to our friends and say, “Wow, that was creepy.” A stranger coming up to you and generating conversation is considered creepy today. What is wrong with that?

Creepy is defined as, “unnerving through fear”. When we use creepy (or “creeper”) to describe someone, we are saying that that person actually scares us. I can honestly say that I have heard that term used among GEN-Y quite frequently. Apparently we all fear each other.

And we do. I walk around my college campus and it is quite frustrating to see how we interact with strangers. When walking around by myself, I sometimes find myself playing “the eye contact” game. The game is simple, make eye contact with the individuals who walk by you. If the other person breaks eye contact first, you win! The results are quite hilarious and sad at the same time. This is because when I get near someone, they don’t look at me at all. They look away and do everything they can to avoid eye contact.

Creepiness makes us feel alone. It is what makes us feel lost when surrounded by people. It is what makes us fear going out into public by ourselves. We not only fear that others are “creepy”, but we fear that others will view us as being “creepy”.

The fact is very few people are actually creepy. On a college campus for example, a majority of people we call creepy, are not creepy at all. They are actually just different. They may not be exactly the same as the people we are familiar with talking to, but they shouldn’t have to be. They shouldn’t be considered “creepy” for being different. They should be proud of who they are without being judged by others.

This is a call to do away with calling people “creepy”. There should not be a social stigma in going up to a stranger and talking to them. Think about when was the last time you walked up to someone you didn’t know and started a conversation with them. It doesn’t happen very often. Meeting people through others is not the only way we are allowed to connect. Embrace talking to people who are different. Embrace talking to strangers, and for goodness sake stop calling everyone “creepy”!

There are some people out there who are creepy, but the vast majority of us are not. Let’s get more realistic and stop living in fear of our differences. Let’s stop living in a place where walking up to strangers and asking to join them for a cup of coffee is a problem. We should all try to talk to strangers. We should want to live in a world that is “creepy-free”.

What is the school’s role in social and emotional development?

A simple question: why do we send students to school? The obvious answer is to learn. However, as I think about the question, I don’t think the answer is that simple. Yes, I think years ago this might have been the answer, but when I think about the modern world the answer doesn’t make sense. Nowadays students can learn anywhere. We live in an information age, where answers to questions are a simple Google search away. Online schooling for K-12 education continues to increase, and students can literally learn from anywhere with internet access.

So think again. Why do we send students to school? We send students to school for the environment. When I think of a school, I typically think of a safe caring place where students are encouraged to interact with each other while learning. I think of a place where students have the opportunities to explore their interests and where adults encourage them to follow their dreams. Students can learn anywhere. School has to be more than a place to learn or why would we send our kids there? K-12 education is not meant to be a daycare with an emphasis on learning, but it seems like that is what it is turning into in the United States.

So what can’t students get anywhere? I think the answer is social and emotional development. We cannot accept sending our students to schools where kids sit in rows and columns while the teacher stands in front and lectures all day. We cannot accept testing becoming our main way of measuring success. We cannot accept that safety is enforced by metal detectors, cameras in the halls, and discipline. School starts to feel more like a prison than the safe caring place listed above.

There is a disconnect between what school environment is expected to be, and what it actually is. However, teachers need to shove as much information into their student’s brains, because they are measured on their students’ academic performance. Testing students is important to make sure our students are competing with the best students in the world. Safety is important because students have become more physical in school.

None of these things are accomplishing what they are supposed to. Teacher measurement based on student performance has put more stress on teachers. Teachers have to be serious as their jobs depend on it, and overall their performance is decreasing. Testing puts stress on students. We take away recess and art classes and fun, because they are not directly related to student success. However student success is decreasing. Discipline and video cameras are supposed to stop students from getting in trouble, but it doesn’t.

So what is wrong? We focus too much on academic development, but forget about social and emotional development. As I said before, students can learn anywhere! Our schools are backwards! If we develop students socially and emotionally, then students can be better prepared to develop academically. You want to measure teachers? Measure them on how they connect with students. Measure them on how they encourage students. Measure them on how many times they make students smile. You want students to perform better? Give them back their recess. Give them back their art classes. Give them back their fun! You want students to behave better? Teach them about themselves. Teach them about others. Teach them about teamwork. Make them feel comfortable. Discipline doesn’t work anymore, because lots of students like to be out of class and lots of parents don’t hold students accountable. If we did a better job of getting students excited about school, then discipline might work, but right now lots of students hate school.

We need to change. We need to develop leaders. We need to develop thinkers. We need to develop nurturers. If we do this, we will develop academic success.


Creature of the Night

She stands alone in the midnight woods
Scared to death of whats around
Looking up she feels so small
She tries to move but she is bound

She is looking for a solution
Will she run so far away?
Or does she fight the darkness?
Neither easy to obtain

She chooses a third option
And hides behind her insecurities
Turns so far inward on herself
And lets the darkness plant its seeds

All feels better for awhile
There now are others all around
She is just like all the others
Darkness will forever surround

She wonders where the sun went
She’ll never see the light
She doesn’t realize it was her choice
To become a creature of the night

As time moves on; she is small again
Sinking deeper in the earth
Scratching and crawling all around
Can’t seem to understand her worth

She could have built a ladder
With the branches of her fears
Taken one step at a time
But demons kept her from thinking clear

As time moves on; she feels so cold
As winter comes and goes
She tries to build a fire
But she’ll never find her home

She could keep the fire going
With the kindling of her heart
But shes keeping it for later
By taking others fire apart

As time moves on she’s drowning
In a river of her own tears
She’ll swallow all her emotions
Instead of letting someone hear 

She could have built a life raft
With the others who were around
But she wants to do it by herself
Even though she knows she’ll drown

She wonders where the sun went
She’ll never see the light
She doesn’t realize it was her choice
To become a creature of the night