I will never settle, I have hope

I am not a normal person
I do not fit in
I don’t like the human race
I don’t like what we’ve become

I feel alone
I challenge the norms
I question humanity
I expect more than is to be expected

I don’t want to feel disappointed
I want to make a difference
I want to change the world
I want to be strong

I wonder if we are too far gone
I wonder if we’ve gone down a path of no return
I can’t think of not helping my fellow man
I can’t think of putting my life first


I keep trying
I keep questioning the norms
I keep looking for answers
I will not settle

I have hurt people along the way
I have pushed people away from me
I wanted to open their eyes
I closed their hearts instead

How can I make a difference when we don’t want to be different?
How can I change the world when we don’t want to change?
How can I keep moving forward in a world that keeps pushing me back?
How can I continue to be selfless when we’re taught to be selfish?

I do because I love life
I do because I have hope
I can never give up
I can’t be like most


I will keep trying
I will question the norms
I will keep looking for answers
I will never settle

I have hope.

Are men losing the gender battle?

Men; we are slacking. We are losing the race of gender superiority. Not that it is a race to become the better gender, but women seem to be the more powerful, more determined, more conscious gender in the world. What is wrong with us? We didn’t have gender barriers to overcome. Yet we seem to be falling behind. Yes, we might dominate the ranks of CEO’s and the legislative and executive branch of the government, but how many of those positions were won fair and square? How many women were considered for those positions? How many women were  smart enough to turn down those stressful positions for something more important in life?

In a worldwide game of Battle of the Sexes, I think men are losing. Women are concerned. Concerned for their health, for their future, and for their families. Women are getting fitter and looking better, while us men seem to be getting fatter. Women are becoming independent. They no longer need us “strong” men to provide for them. They go to.college, get good degrees, and put them to use. We hate learning, hate reading, and hate artsy stuff. Sure we are badasses at Call of Duty, but where does that put us in society?

They are coming for us men. If we don’t become more concerned with our way of life we will no longer be of use. Maybe we will become sex objects for them, and we probably deserve it. Now is the time to put our manly egos aside and become more concerned about what is happening. Let’s get off the couch and try to look and act our best. Let’s respect women’s opinions, because right now they seem to have better advice to give. It’s one thing to be masculine, it’s another to be disrespectful. Chivalry might be dead, but respect should never go away.

I think we can do it! It starts out with our kids. Let’s teach our sons that reading and the fine arts are not “girl things”.That being the “man of the house” doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s stop confusing strength with dominance. A strong person is not someone who has proved how powerful they are, but someone who can push forward despite any obstacle. A strong person is healthy in all aspects of life: physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and sexual. We have a lot of work to do men. Let’s start now!

The Definition of Confidence

An internal reaction to stressors.
But what am I stressed about?

A chance to change the world.
But what am I doing to change it?

An absolute zero; emptiness.
But why do I feel this way?

An opportunity to make the most of.
But what if I don’t?

No chance to change the past.
So how do I move forward?

An ability to overcome.
But where do I go?

Something that has yet to take place.
But how do I plan it?

An ideal outcome in one’s eyes.
But how do I make it come true?

The ability to Dream of the Future and to show Resilience during Lost Time, so that Nothing will let Life be controlled by Anxiety.

Life’s commencement speech (2013)

Not too long ago I sat down in those seats with my fellow graduates. I was decked out in my robes and mortarboard and a sweet peacock blue tassel indicating a graduate from the school of management from my alma matter. Life should have seemed great. Not only was I graduating, but I had a job lined up. A task that I’m sure most of you have found out to be monumental. However, something didn’t seem right. I couldn’t pinpoint it at the time. I thought maybe it could have been that I was regretting leaving the college lifestyle; a lifestyle that I had grown very comfortable over the past four and a half years (Yes, I took an extra semester but my program was 150 credit hours). It could have been that I would miss my friends. It could have been that the path I had chosen at that point in my life had scared me. It could have been that I wasn’t ready to be an adult and accept responsibility. Maybe it was a little bit of all of the above. I was not proud of myself for what I had accomplished. I felt as if a piece of paper should not be celebrated, because I had not contributed anything to the world. At 22 years old most of us have not contributed to greater society yet.

Over the next year and a half I found out why I was not excited to graduate. It was a little bit of the things I had mentioned above, but the main reason was simple. I was not comfortable with myself. Right now you might be thinking that you know who you are, and you are confident in what you want to do in your life. However, I can promise you that there is something your missing as a 22 year old; life experience. There is a reason that you can’t run for president until you’re 35. It is this life experience factor. Most of you have been in school for your entire life, and at this moment a majority of you will never return. But guess what… most of you don’t know anything about life. If you are confident in your path then chase it. Work as hard as you can to accomplish what it is you want from life, but keep in mind the what if. What if something goes wrong? Do you have a backup plan?

You might find yourself in my shoes. Not sure if the path you are on is right in the first place. I worked for two months, and I knew that I had screwed up. Two months! That’s all it took me to realize it. Now I don’t regret my decisions. At 18, it sounded pretty good and I went with it. But if you think you know life now, think back to when you were 18. Did that beautiful/handsome person know anywhere near to what you know now? I’m going to assume not. I unfortunately did not have a backup plan. So there I was. My narrow path had reached an open field, and I had no GPS or map or compass. I was surrounded by nothing, and my life became miserable. I had no clue how to escape. I was hopeless.

Something amazing happened as time went on. I started to explore. That open field was no longer a problem; it was endless opportunities. For the first time in my life, I was able to make a conscious effort to find myself. A new path emerged, and I liked it. I wasn’t afraid to start on it, as going back to the path I was on before the open field wasn’t an option in my eyes. I started to look at life differently. I realized that happiness could not be found from the people around me. Happiness was a mentality that I could choose. I would have to make my own happiness. As 2013 rolled around, I decided that it would be the best year in my life. So far in 2013, I have come across many setbacks. More than I have typically had at one time. An injury and the end of a long term relationship seemed to be slowing down the best year of my life, but they weren’t. In a few months, I had gained life experience that I had never had before. I had gained wisdom. Wisdom that I can now share with you.

Before I finish, I would like to summarize in a way that hopefully will inspire each of you as you continue your journey.

Be proud of yourself today. Although you haven’t changed the world yet, no one expects you to at the age of 22. Look back and remember what hard work feels like and apply it as you move forward in life.

Find a way to be comfortable with yourself. It might not be easy, but finding yourself and liking who you are will be evident around others. If you do not feel comfortable with yourself, well then maybe you need to consider making some changes to find what makes you comfortable.

If you reach an open field in your life, do not freak out! It might be easy to seem lost, but realize you have the ability to go in any direction you want; a field of endless opportunities. Some of the most exciting opportunities you may have ruled out in the past are now sitting right in front of you.

Don’t be afraid to start a new path. It doesn’t mean you made mistakes in the past, it only means the path you were on led you here. It is ok to make mistakes when your 22 years old. No one expects you to be perfect.

Make your own happiness. Don’t wait for it to come to you, because it may never come. Make a conscious effort to make each day the best day of your life and you will find it.

Setbacks and failures make you wiser. Don’t dwell on them, but make a conscious effort to understand what went wrong and how you can improve yourself moving forward, as a newer and wiser individual.

Congratulations class of 2013. May you stay positive and change the world for the better.