What’s missing in the United States of America?… Faith

What do you believe in? A simple question on the surface, but when one digs a little deeper, it is not an easy question to answer. What do you believe in? As an individual, what we believe in determines our faith.

The word faith has disappeared from our vocabulary in almost all aspects of life; except for religion. Expressing faith in terms of religion is easy. What do you believe in? “I believe in Islam, Judaism, Christianity. Yes, one’s faith in religion is strong. But let’s get one thing straight, faith is not synonymous with religion.

The United States seems to have a hard time differentiating from these two terms, but why? Why is faith determined as religion in this county? When I sit and watch our politicians speak. I hear faith in God pushed frequently. Christianity runs the United States. Christians in this country often vote blindly for politicians that push religion. In a terrifying way where our blind faith in God has given us the blind faith in politicians that believe in God. Blind faith in God is a religious value. Blind faith in a politician is a fundamental problem in this country. Blind faith is worship. Worshiping anything other than God is a sin.

If blind faith in politicians worked. We would have faith in everything in this country. So, let’s look at this a different way. Do you have faith in climate change? Do you have faith in public education? Do you have faith in healthcare? Do you have faith in your community, your city, your state, your country? If you answered no to any of these, blind faith doesn’t work. If you answered yes to all of these you are naive. 

There is a lack of faith in this country (not blind faith). Faith in religion is fading. For those who do not have faith in religion, one more time, what do you believe in? Do you believe in the good of people? Do you believe in a higher connection to the Earth? You need to have faith.

Without faith, existential crises multiply. If you cannot answer the question, what do you believe in, life becomes increasingly hard. My faith is in the goodness of people. I believe all people are good at their core. Yes, we all make bad decisions, some worse than others, but I truly believe if you have faith in people,  you personally will make better decisions.

If you read this, I have faith in you! I believe in your ability to impact this world in a positive way. If you do not believe in anything, I ask you find something to believe in. It does not have to religion. It does not even have to be others, but believing gives your life purpose. Have faith!


They say, “wait for the stars to align.”
A hopeless dialog for those with a weak sense of empathy;
As no one knows my destiny,
There is no movement in the cosmos.
While there are infinite possibilities of hopping celestial beings,
There are just as many limitless options of floating aimlessly through dark matter.

Those who believe we call dreamers:
A glimmer of hope behind innocent eyes.
But the idealists falter in a bleak reality.
A land so far beyond hopes.
Only focused on today;
But tomorrow is already here.

Steadfast in a pool of doubters,
I hope we see our future.
It is not too far gone.
Our destiny is change.
Unrealistic alignment is not needed when we believe.
The stars are already all around us.


Face Your Fears

You were heaven sent
In a world with no tomorrow
But you fell hard against the ground
In a pain too hard too swallow

You brought hope in searching time
With gears that ticked forever
Eternity brought tired souls
Exhaustion led hearts to sever

You keep looking towards the sky
Hoping it will give you answers
But looking deeper inside yourself
Stops pain from spreading like a cancer

There’s only love and hope and faith
That lead the way from here
Every time you try to turn and run
You haven’t come to face your fears

You were found in a broken place
Full of hopeless dreams and measures
You were different from the rest
A gift that brought no pleasure

You brought the light when it was dark
Cured the blind of broken vision
Soon the sun became too bright
You closed your eyes with indecision

You keep looking towards the sky
Hoping it will give you answers
But looking deeper inside yourself
Stops pain from spreading like a cancer

There’s only love and hope and faith
That lead the way from here
Every time you try to turn and run
You haven’t come to face your fears

Where will you go from here, I could help you if you’d like
Life’s sweet journey is a gift when it’s not full of isolation