
Where did we go?
When we went down that endless road
And we can’t find our way back.

What is this place?
Fill that void with empty space
And we can’t find our way back.

But I get lost without maps
Can’t erase my steps to return to where I was at
Can’t pick up the pin and forget the facts
So I go on forward

How’d we get here?
When we faced forest fires without fighting fear
But now we can’t find our way back

When did the path end?
Can’t trace our steps to return to where we began
And now we can’t find our way back

But I get lost without maps
Can’t erase my steps to return to where I was at
Can’t pick up the pin and forget the facts
So I go on forward


No looking back, no endless roads, no end in sight, no rolling stones.

Just Forward.

No hopeless cause, no faults in stars, no sleepless nights , no chasing cars

Just Forward.




They say, “wait for the stars to align.”
A hopeless dialog for those with a weak sense of empathy;
As no one knows my destiny,
There is no movement in the cosmos.
While there are infinite possibilities of hopping celestial beings,
There are just as many limitless options of floating aimlessly through dark matter.

Those who believe we call dreamers:
A glimmer of hope behind innocent eyes.
But the idealists falter in a bleak reality.
A land so far beyond hopes.
Only focused on today;
But tomorrow is already here.

Steadfast in a pool of doubters,
I hope we see our future.
It is not too far gone.
Our destiny is change.
Unrealistic alignment is not needed when we believe.
The stars are already all around us.



his and her have had a day
her haunted past, his horrors fate
with hurting hearts and hunted hate
hallowed in a humbled haze

hanging high from heavens gate
Hope has shown it’s heavy face
his and her have hidden grace
housed inside his warm embrace

how humble history has happy height
how hopeless past has future bright
and how he holds her oh so tight
for his and her have seen the light

This Crazy Feeling in Me

She’s a little shy in her approach
She’s a ray of sunshine surrounded by ghosts
She’ll never give up her dreams for false hopes
She’ll rock you gently with her soft stroke

She’s a fireball without the flames
She’s a subtle sexy without too much paint
She’ll speak her mind to protect those in pain
She’ll look at you in some radiant way

You have my head spinning thinking what we could be
You have me my heart throbbing opening up to see
What we are is so perfectly free
Cuz you put this crazy feeling in me

And I’ll never let go of the adventures ahead
As I lay here waiting for those words to be said
Because what we are is so perfectly free
And you put this crazy feeling in me

Don’t Judge

Have you lived in the shoes of the homeless?
Have you lived in the shoes of the poor?
Did you grow up a hungry child
Begging for food you couldn’t afford?

Do you go to school embarrassed?
Did you go to school sad,
Hoping your classmates didn’t notice
All the clothes you didn’t have?

Did you feel that you were mistreated?
Did you feel that life’s unfair?
Did you feel like all the others in world
Really didn’t care?

Poverty is a cycle,
That isn’t easy to end
It’s a problem that each and every one of us
Need to understand

How do you pick yourself up
And fight through all the pain?
How do you work hard in school
When your life is full of rain?

For all those people out there
Who think that welfare is a joke
Know that it is something small
That should give us all some hope.

People aren’t living wealthy lives
On the governments dime
Their living life pretty low
Below the poverty line

Don’t judge those in the cycle
Who try hard to escape
Don’t blame those who don’t know better
For all of life’s mistakes.

If you’re parents loved you
If they weren’t addicted to cocaine
If they weren’t abusive
If they weren’t ashamed

If they treated you with kindness
If they were smart enough to help you succeed
If they were able to send you to college
If you were able to follow their lead

You have a better life than most
That are living here today
So stop and think before you speak
About what you’re going to say

Don’t judge those in the cycle
Who try hard to escape
Don’t blame those who don’t know better
For all of life’s mistakes.

A Story (That We Can Call): Life

Persisting in time like a slowly melting clock
Our lives adapt to our surroundings
External events that cause joy and pain
Internal thoughts that we question for days

Where we are in a moment in time
Is never the same as the moment before
A year ago I was searching through rain
A second ago not so different today

Live a life to experience it all
Don’t wallow in sorrow ; Don’t swallow the call
We’re all meant to experience a life
No matter the passion, the bliss, or the strife

Tomorrow will come much different than now
Don’t take is for granted; Don’t waste time wondering how
It’s part of each moment that passes us by
Creating a story that we can call life

A Blank Canvas

A blank canvas.
A sense of nothingness wanting to be more
It yearns for a purpose; for meaning
It wants to be seen
Calling to an artist to make it worthy
To make it into something beautiful
Not recognizing its full potential
As if it was not beautiful to begin with

To the artist nothing is more exciting
Thoughts and ideas swirl in the brain
While passion beats through the heart
Endless opportunity to fill the void
Fill it with brights of ecstatic days
Or dulls and blues of hurt and pain
As of now it could go either way
But all it takes is one speck of paint

Changed forever
Revel in the beauty of nothingness
As it encourages the writer;
Filling each line with captivating stories and epics
The painter;
Covering canvas and making dreams become a reality
The dancer;
Choreographing space with movements in perfect rhythm

We all start as a blank canvas
Yearning to be made into something beautiful
But life is a magnificent artist
Able to create an ever enduring life of emotion
An ever changing artwork
Step back and observe
For we are all beautiful
A different piece to admire

Full of Color

Why can’t I be color blind
Living my life in black and white
The good and the bad; the wrong and the right
Decisions easier with stopped time

But I’m lucky enough to see everything bright
Vivid colors; a mind numbing sight
Head spinning; reaching new heights
Beauty brings pain along with it in life

It ain’t always easy making clear choices
The white can be bright but the black even brighter
The spectrum of decision, my brain full of voices
Can’t live like old film, when we’re so full of color.

Move On

You had true love and you ran away
Took my heart in your escape
I promised you that I would wait
Stuck by your side through all the pain

And you moved on to another day
Took a journey that was unsafe
And I told you, you were so brave
To follow love that would run away

Been by your side through this love song
But what will you do when I move on
This chain of love is oh so wrong
So what will you do when I move on

And the tears I once had, run down your face
As if you were trying to emulate
But with a different man the love escaped
So I can’t help but feel I’ve been replaced

I’ve started to search for something new
I want to move on, but be there too
I’m not quite sure what I should do
Pursue new love or tried and true

Been by your side through this love song
But what will you do when I move on
This chain of love is oh so wrong
So what will you do when I move on

If you were me, would you move on?
Should I move on?
Move on…

Somewhere In-between

Somewhere in-between
Lives a place where I am seen
For who I am and who I want to be
I can live my life; and be proud of me

Somewhere in-between

Somewhere in-between
Trust is a brother in my family
I can live in a perfect world
I can dream the perfect dream

Somewhere in-between

But I can’t escape the life I have
I’m stuck in glue; My arms are tied
If Trust my brother, Pain my Dad
So I close my eyes and hide

Behind the darkness and all the pain
Happy endings seem far away
Don’t let tears fall down my face
What happens if the sun’s not behind the rain?

It’s not easy, It’s not easy
People only know a public fantasy
They say move on, but it’s not as it seems
Living hell true reality

Take me away to the place I want to be
Somewhere in-between
Somewhere in-between
Somewhere in-between