What’s missing in the United States of America?… Faith

What do you believe in? A simple question on the surface, but when one digs a little deeper, it is not an easy question to answer. What do you believe in? As an individual, what we believe in determines our faith.

The word faith has disappeared from our vocabulary in almost all aspects of life; except for religion. Expressing faith in terms of religion is easy. What do you believe in? “I believe in Islam, Judaism, Christianity. Yes, one’s faith in religion is strong. But let’s get one thing straight, faith is not synonymous with religion.

The United States seems to have a hard time differentiating from these two terms, but why? Why is faith determined as religion in this county? When I sit and watch our politicians speak. I hear faith in God pushed frequently. Christianity runs the United States. Christians in this country often vote blindly for politicians that push religion. In a terrifying way where our blind faith in God has given us the blind faith in politicians that believe in God. Blind faith in God is a religious value. Blind faith in a politician is a fundamental problem in this country. Blind faith is worship. Worshiping anything other than God is a sin.

If blind faith in politicians worked. We would have faith in everything in this country. So, let’s look at this a different way. Do you have faith in climate change? Do you have faith in public education? Do you have faith in healthcare? Do you have faith in your community, your city, your state, your country? If you answered no to any of these, blind faith doesn’t work. If you answered yes to all of these you are naive. 

There is a lack of faith in this country (not blind faith). Faith in religion is fading. For those who do not have faith in religion, one more time, what do you believe in? Do you believe in the good of people? Do you believe in a higher connection to the Earth? You need to have faith.

Without faith, existential crises multiply. If you cannot answer the question, what do you believe in, life becomes increasingly hard. My faith is in the goodness of people. I believe all people are good at their core. Yes, we all make bad decisions, some worse than others, but I truly believe if you have faith in people,  you personally will make better decisions.

If you read this, I have faith in you! I believe in your ability to impact this world in a positive way. If you do not believe in anything, I ask you find something to believe in. It does not have to religion. It does not even have to be others, but believing gives your life purpose. Have faith!

The Future of the Republican Party in the United States

Dear Republicans,

You have some big decisions to make. Over the next couple decades your party support in the United States will decrease to a point where having a Republican president in office will be impossible. The fact is, as a the gap in average family income continues to increase and poor immigrants from other countries continue to come to this county, the Republican Party is becoming outnumbered. In fact, as other parties like the Libertarian Party continue to gain popularity among younger Americans , there will not be enough young Republicans to replace those who die. This should be obvious to those who currently call themselves “Republicans”. I hate to say it, but you are doomed.

So will you try to save your party or will you go down with the ship?

Our country is being split in two: Rich vs. Poor, Rural vs. Urban, Religious vs. Not Religious. However, those that are growing are not identifying with the Republican Party. You might continue to have support in the House and Senate, but you will not be able to elect a president. When this point comes, will you continually let the Democrats have executive power and continually hold our country at a standstill? This would unfortunately keep us from being the best country in the world as we will spend too much time in the sad doldrums of our legislative system.

We need to start working together. I feel for you, because unfortunately for you, this is your responsibility. As your party becomes outdated for a majority of Americans, those Republicans who have been elected have an interesting role in the future of our country. You can continually stay true to traditional party views,  but you might be guaranteeing the fall of the United States as a world power. Our legislative system will not budge, and government shutdowns will become more frequent. Our credit rating  will start to decrease as we default on our loans as a country, and unfortunately all of us will  have to pay; including those whose rights you are trying to protect. This is not something that will end well.

If Democrats are able to take over both the House and Senate in the future that could end the Republican Party for good; leaving  millions of Americans unsupported in the United States government. This is also not an acceptable option. Please start working with the Democrats. You have the power to save our country or destroy it. I’m sorry you are in this position, but sometimes you have to work with the cards you have been dealt.


A concerned American