Are men losing the gender battle?

Men; we are slacking. We are losing the race of gender superiority. Not that it is a race to become the better gender, but women seem to be the more powerful, more determined, more conscious gender in the world. What is wrong with us? We didn’t have gender barriers to overcome. Yet we seem to be falling behind. Yes, we might dominate the ranks of CEO’s and the legislative and executive branch of the government, but how many of those positions were won fair and square? How many women were considered for those positions? How many women were  smart enough to turn down those stressful positions for something more important in life?

In a worldwide game of Battle of the Sexes, I think men are losing. Women are concerned. Concerned for their health, for their future, and for their families. Women are getting fitter and looking better, while us men seem to be getting fatter. Women are becoming independent. They no longer need us “strong” men to provide for them. They go, get good degrees, and put them to use. We hate learning, hate reading, and hate artsy stuff. Sure we are badasses at Call of Duty, but where does that put us in society?

They are coming for us men. If we don’t become more concerned with our way of life we will no longer be of use. Maybe we will become sex objects for them, and we probably deserve it. Now is the time to put our manly egos aside and become more concerned about what is happening. Let’s get off the couch and try to look and act our best. Let’s respect women’s opinions, because right now they seem to have better advice to give. It’s one thing to be masculine, it’s another to be disrespectful. Chivalry might be dead, but respect should never go away.

I think we can do it! It starts out with our kids. Let’s teach our sons that reading and the fine arts are not “girl things”.That being the “man of the house” doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s stop confusing strength with dominance. A strong person is not someone who has proved how powerful they are, but someone who can push forward despite any obstacle. A strong person is healthy in all aspects of life: physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and sexual. We have a lot of work to do men. Let’s start now!